Monday, December 14, 2009

I am not sure I can be amy more of a proud momma!

Lexy had her first piano recital and well - she was fantastic! And I don't mean that just because I am her mom. Check it out for yourself:

Now factor in that she has only been playing since August . . . pretty dern fantastic! I figure I can say it all I want to because that talent does not come from me. It is that Jaynes blood in her. She has such confidence when she plays. And have I mentioned yet how beautiful she looked??? Just look at that picture. She is so grown up!! It was such a good night. The whole family came out to support her and everyone was so proud of her.

In other news, Michael and I thought it would be a good idea to go ahead and put together Kaelyns train table and set. Let me tell you that thing is pretty cool! We both played with it forever. I can't wait to see her little face when she sees it on Christmas morning!! Ahh . . . Life is good!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Santa Claus!

Well I finally did it! I got Kaelyn to go see Santa Claus! It took much coaxing on the part of myself and dear sweet Santa Claus but it worked. We crept closer and closer to him. When he asked her what she wanted for Christmas she lit up! She stood up straight and smiled and said real quietly "I want more Barbies and more choo choos". You could tell she was so proud of herself! So now comes picture time. I thought we had progressed to where she would sit in his lap but no way jose! As you can see, she is in my lap. Of course, I had no intention of getting my picture taken. As a matter of fact, I was dressed to go clean houses, junky clothes, no make-up - the works. So I ducked behind her - lol! At least you can't see the hole in my jeans ~sigh~

Oh well it is over and I have my first picture of Kaelyn and Santa (and Lexy didn't have to sit in Santa's lap too which she was afraid she was going to have to). I tell you, two is the best age ever! It is the age where they don't really remember the years before, but they are old enough to suck everything in. They learn about all of the holidays and start to believe in Santa. Everything is new and real to them. It is such a magical world for a two year old - what fun!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

My first blog . . .

My first thought . . .I wonder if I will keep this up! Like most things on the internet I decide to start something and never follow through. However, I am going to try to keep this blog going. I always like it when I write to a journal type thing. I find it fascinating to go back and read. There are so many things that you forget if you don't write them down. It is always fun to go back and re-live the moments of your life. That said . . . here I am ole blog world!

So we are right in the mist of the holiday season . . . literally the mist, rain, thunder (how often do you have thunder storms on a cold December day? Yet I hear it out there). Anyhow, the decorations are up, all presents are bought and wrapped and I am ready for it head on! Michael has gone Griswald decorating the front of the house and it looks fabulous! He has some Christmas spirit like I have never seen before in the boy. Although, I am convinced now that it is all the beard he is trying to grow!

Lexy's first piano recital is this Friday! I can't wait (and a lot of it is I can't wait to see her dressed up all fancy! hehe!)! She is going to look so beautiful! She is playing Jingle Bells. She has really taken to playing the piano and is really quite good. She learns new things with such ease that it amazes me. And she practicing all the time with no hint from me. She just simply likes to play!

Well that is all for now.

Til next time . . .